The Website is for the purposes of this legal notice a concept that encompasses all web pages at the web address (hereinafter referred to as Website). The holder of copyright for all copyright works which are in any way included in the Website is Jadroagent International d.o.o. (hereinafter referred to as Jadroagent International). Users may use the contents on the Website exclusively for personal, non-commercial use. Any other form of use of contents on the Website (such as copying, reproduction, distribution, etc.) for commercial purposes shall be prohibited.

Restriction of use of information and contents

Users may download the information and contents shown on this Website from the server for their personal, domestic use, provided that they do not change the descriptions of copyrights, other notices on intellectual property rights or notices on other rights. Downloading and printing of information and contents for the purpose of non-commercial viewing and reading shall be permissible. Any other copying, distribution, republishing, changing information and contents on or their transmission by post and dissemination in any other way without prior written consent shall be prohibited. Furthermore, the use of any element on for any purpose other than exclusively for personal, non-commercial, domestic use, shall also be prohibited. Jadroagent International shall not be responsible for the form and content of websites which are in any way associated with the Website When visiting and using associated websites the responsibility of Jadroagent International shall be excluded in all cases.

Limitation of liability

Jadroagent International shall endeavour to keep the data on the Website accurate and up-to-date, however, neither Jadroagent International nor other legal or physical persons, who cooperated in the creation of the Website or are still cooperating in upgrading the Website, shall not be responsible for ordinary damage or loss of profit or non-pecuniary loss to the user as a consequence of the use of the Website or the impossibility of its use. Jadroagent International shall endeavour to ensure a continuous operation of the Website, however, it shall not be liable for ordinary damage or loss of profit or non-pecuniary loss to the user as a consequence of the discontinuous operation of the Website. Jadroagent International may change the Website at any time and without prior notice.

Personal data protection

We attach great importance to the protection of personal data, especially because we use it to improve the quality of services and information for our visitors. The GDPR regulation, as adopted by the European Union, imposes high standards concerning the collection and keeping of your data, in addition to outlining your rights to personal data access, erasure and much more. Based on the legislation in force and by considering the importance of this topic, we hereby provide you with clarifications concerning the security of your personal data and your rights as a data subject. Please read this information carefully before consenting to the collection and processing of your personal data.

What is personal data?

Personal data is any data that relates to a specific natural person, i.e. an individual, depending on the form in which it is expressed. Basically, it is the information that leads to your identification: name, surname, e-mail address, etc. The personal data controller at the Website is Jadroagent International.

Where and for how long we store your data?

The personal data you submit to us digitally is stored either on dedicated servers hired by us from our hosting providers, or by companies whose tools are applied by us. For example, the e-mail communication-tool provider stores address data. We store the collected personal data until the moment you inform us that you no longer agree with the storage and processing of your personal data or for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which the personal data is processed, or to comply with the legal requirements.

Collection, processing and utilisation of personal data

Your personal data is collected, managed and processed by us exclusively for the purposes determined by law or based on your explicit consent. Data collected with your consent is primarily intended to communicate with you and improve our services. We commit not to lend or sell your personal data to any third party without prior notice and without obtaining your express written consent.

Revoking the consent for personal data processing

You may at any time request us to restrict the processing of personal data. You can revoke the right for a particular purpose or for all purposes of personal-data processing to which you have consented. Send your written statement for revoking your consent for personal data processing to: Jadroagent International or to our e-mail In case of withdrawal of your consent to collect or process your personal data, all collected personal data to which the request for erasure applies will be erased or excluded from automatic processing. The withdrawal of your consent to the processing of personal data does not affect the lawfulness of processing personal data relating to you until your withdrawal and the use of such personal data for statutory purposes.

Your rights and your personal data

Right to erasure/to be forgotten
You have the right to request the correction of inaccurate personal data or the addition of incomplete personal data. You can request at any time access to the data that the controller has collected about you or the immediate deletion of your personal data. In case of rectification, completion or erasure of your personal data, we must notify you, without delay, about such rectification, completion or erasure.

Right to restrict the processing of personal data
You can request the restriction of your personal-data processing at any time due to data inaccuracy, unlawfulness, termination of the processing purpose, or the filing of an objection.

Right to data portability: You have the right to object to us against the processing of your personal data. In addition, you have the right to request that we transfer the personal data we process about you to another controller.

Right to object
Any use of your personal information for informational or promotional purposes requires your explicit consent. In the event that you receive information or commercial promotional content based on your consent, you may at any time request in writing the termination of the use of your data for that purpose.

Right to request access to personal data relating to you
At any time, you have the right to receive confirmation as to whether personal data is being processed in relation to you and access to personal data in relation to you and the following information: the purpose of data processing, the type of personal data relating to you, the users of your personal data, the intended period of retention of personal data, source of personal data.


Threat to the protection of personal data

In the event of a threat to the protection of your personal data, we will notify the competent authority without undue delay, but no later than within 72 hours of becoming aware of the threat to the protection of your personal information.

Important information regarding the processing of your personal data

We undertake to process all collected personal data only for the above-mentioned purposes of managing or processing personal data and in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act and other applicable legislature, as well as in accordance with the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data (GDPR).


Which cookies does this Website use?

  1. Required cookies

Required cookies must be enabled all the time so that we may be able to save your cookie settings.

Name Provider Application Duration
hideCovidNotice Saving the Covid banner display settings. Session progress
wp-wpml_current_language Saving the language selection 24 hours
moove_gdpr_popup 1 year



  1. Google

Google uses cookies to store favourite user settings, to select the language version, the number of displayed results and values, to display information on Google maps and for many other functionalities and services of this online giant.

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  1. Google Analytics

Google Analytics is an online analysis service. It provides us information about how users behave on our website and thus helps us to create a better user experience, display relevant content, etc. When analysing this data, we cannot identify you personally. These cookies last up to 2 years.

Example of used cookies:

Name Provider Application Duration
_gat_UA-2764728-49 Google Analytics This cookies is used to limit the number of requests. If  Google Analytics is added through the Google Tag Manager, this cookie is named “_dc_gtm_”. 1 minute
_ga Google Analytics User identification. 2 years
_gid Google Analytics User identification. 24 hours
_gac_ Google Analytics Contains campaign data according to the user. 90 days

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  1. YouTube

The YouTube service is used to stream videos and the cookies are used to record data on visits, to save favourite user settings, to display relevant videos, etc. These cookies last up to 10 years.

Name Provider Application Duration
PREF YouTube Cookie for saving settings. 10 years
VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE YouTube The cookie with which YouTube determines your internet connection. 8 months
YSC YouTube This cookie installs YouTube in the “embedded video” mode. Session progress



How to turn off cookies?

We will not use cookies in any way to collect your personally identifiable information; however, if you wish, you can also change cookie settings in your browser or mobile device browser. Most modern browsers allow you to, either accept or refuse all cookies, accept or refuse particular types of cookies or receive a warning when a website wants to store a cookie on your device. You can also delete cookies that your browser has already stored on your device. Please be informed that, if you turn off cookies, all functionality of the web pages may not work equally effectively, a warning about the use of cookies will appear every time you visit, and in the long run this will have a negative impact on your user experience. The process of changing cookie settings differs in each browser. You can find information about this using the “Help” feature at, which clearly explains the process in all modern browsers, or you may contact us via our e-mail. The Google Analytics cookies may be disabled following the instructions available at Google Analytics
Further information about cookies is also available in the information commissioner guidelines section.



Slovenian law shall apply for all eventual disputes arising from the use of the Website. All eventual disputes shall come within the jurisdiction of the District Court in Koper. With the use of the Website the user confirms to have accepted the conditions described here and that he or she agrees with them.